Tasting Notes: Essentia


Mouthfeel and pH

Ionized filtered water. 9.5 pH or higher, it says. Different. Electric but somewhat dank. Secret water fountain next to hot air coming from computer vent in basement. Copper wire. Excitable? filled with teenage angst or nervousness. Not bad. Don’t know if I’d have it every day. Skim milk without the milk. Metal shelves and hooks. Rigidity: this water will not bend. University library? Light streaming in from stain glass? The highs and lows of religious femininity: prostitute and angel. An energized womb. Hull of ship? Dry floral wrapping paper, pencils and graphite pencile shavings, slightly bitter finish, on the back edges of tongue. I’ll just have an antacid. Or actual milk.
Water Quality Report
Physical Quality
- Alkalinity in CACO3 Units: 43 mg,L
- Speciļ¬c Conductance, 25C: 113 umho/cm
- Total Hardness: 5.8mg/L CaCO3
- Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): 64 mg/L
- 9.7 pH
- Bicarb Alkalinity as HCO, 45mg/L HCO3
Disinfection Residuals / By Products (DBPs)
- Bromate, 0.002mg/L
Inorganic Chemicals
- Magnesium, 1.4 mg/L
- Potassium 7.4 mg/L
- Sodium 14 mg/L
- Sulfate 3.3 mg/L

Essentia Shelf Talker